40 Days + 40 Nights, Episode No. 33. Our Status: Dream Pursuit tip #7

Greetings DreamTeam! 40 Days + 40 Nights Dreams Recalibration series. Episode No. 33: Dream Brainstorming

Dream Pursuit Wisdom Tidbit: No. Seven

Start making your Dream more achievable by creating a scenario (on paper) of your ideal job, ideal day, or ideal lifestyle, detail by detail. Dream from your own heart.

An authentic dream from your own soul is worth far more than simply a copycat version of an existing one, so don’t base your Dream on someone else’s dream. Find out who you were meant to be, first. This can be done by surveying your gifts, talents and natural skill set.

To follow a path that someone else has already blazed is fine, but it’s highly desirable that you first take stock of who you are, your skills and where your talents are intended as direction for you to achieve a personalized Dream.

Check here to see what happened on yesterday, Day 32, in The 40 Days, 40 Nights Countdown to Dreams Recalibration; Day 34 is coming up, tomorrow.

#KeepHopeAlive #NoDreamLeftBehind #MakeDreamsThrive #40Days40NightsDreamsRecalibration